Ocean Atlantic Cottages are located in Neddies Harbour, Norris Point, Newfoundland
Neddies Harbour, noted for its natural scenic beauty, is an an extension of the community of Norris Point. Norris Point is on the Northern side of Bonne Bay and positioned at the foothills of the Long Range Mountains. Neddies Harbour is on the East side of the harbour across from the "Point". According to local tradition, Neddies Harbour and Norris Point were named after trapper Neddie Norris who lived in this area sometime in the 1790s. Norris Point has been home to the Maritime Archaie and Palaeo-Eskimo peoples and occasionally visited by the MicMac (MiK'maq) Indians and French fishermen until the 1850s when the first permanent residents moved to the area. (Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1993).
Location of Ocean Atlantic Cottages
Ocean Atlantic Cottages can be found by following Route 430 North from Deer Lake onto Highway 15 to Norris Point.
Aerial View
©Photos by Rick Hedderson.
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